November 24, 1916- The Telegraph-Herald - LOUIS ARTHOFER, CITY FIREMAN, PASSES AWAY- On Friday morning at nine o'clock death claimed Louis Arthofer, deceased was 28 years of age. He was a member of the Moose Lodge, A. O. U. W., he was employed as a Hoseman in the Dubuque Fire Department and was stationed at Engine House No. 1.
Author's Note: The Telegraph-Herald ran an article (May 23, 1992) memorializing firemen who died in the line of duty. This information was attributed to the Professional Firefighters Association Local 353. Listed among the firemen was in 1917; one Emil "Dutch" Arthofer died four days after receiving internal injuries from sliding down the pole at the 18th Street firehouse. There appears to be confusing as to Arthofer's first name. There is no Fire Department record of such an incident. Louis Arthofer was a member of the Hose Company which ran with Engine Company No. 1 from the Engine House at 18th and Clay (Central Avenue) Street. According to the late Assistant Chief Harold Cosgrove; who wrote extensive notes relating to the history of the Dubuque Fire Department; John Arthover (Arthofer) injured his back while using the sliding pole at fire station No.1 and died of these injuries in 1919. Cosgrove also listed in 1919 that on July 10-"John Arthover firemen at No. 1 station died of injuries received when he slipped while sliding fire pole in answering an alarm, appointed 1915." Payroll records of the Fire Department listed Louis Arthofer as being paid (two weeks pay) as a Pipeman in December of 1913. He was possibly working as a "Substitute" fireman. He is then listed on the Payroll as a fulltime fireman from January 1914 through the second week of December 1915. After an absence of two weeks he is again listed on the payroll Record in January 1916. The last listing of Arthofer on the Fire Department is for the first two weeks of February 1916. He does not appear on t e Payroll records after February 14th, 1916. Louis Arthofer passed away at his home on Friday morning November 24, 1916. No cause of death is listed in any newspaper of that period. Though he is listed in Fire Department records as Louis, his name has been listed at various times and in various places as John, Emil or Phillip.
November 25, 1916- The Dubuque Times Journal-PHILLIP ARTHOFER CLAIMED BY DEATH-The death of Philip Arthofer occurred Friday morning at 9 o'clock at the family residence. The deceased young man born in Dubuque twenty-eight years ago, he lived here all his life. Mr. Arthofer was a member of the Moose and A. O. U. W. He was formerly employed by the Dubuque Fire department - was a faithful and efficient employee.