DFD ORGANIZATION HISTORY 1842-1884Dubuque in 1870
Compiled by William Hammel
(click photo to enlarge)
In the beginning . . . "It was April 24, 1837. The city of Dubuque was four years old. From a mere mining camp it had attained the dignity of a town. The city fathers had held three meetings. The town government had been organized and resolutions for the improvement of the harbor had been adopted. On this day the trustees were to enact the first municipal laws. By Ordinances Seven, Eight, and Nine they purchased four ladders and two fire hooks, ordered that every householder should provide at least one leather fire bucket that was to be sent to all fires and authorized the formation of the first fire company in what is now the State of Iowa. From this beginning grew the Dubuque Fire Department, which has proved so efficient that the city enjoys insurance rates that are among the lowest of any city of its class in the United States." —Federal Writers' Project
1842	Dubuque Forms The First Independent Fire Company—Iowa First
1854	Washington No.1 Fire Company Is Organized—Hunneman Engine
1855	Washington No.1 Fire Company Is Re-Organized—Button Engine
	Hook & Ladder No. 1 Is Organized— 
1856	Protection No.2 Fire Company Is Organized— Hunneman Engine
1857	Protection No.2 Fire Company Is Re-Organized—Button Engine
	Mechanics No. 3 Fire Company Is Organized— Hunneman Engine
1858	Key City Hook & Ladder Company No. 1 Organized by Mike Bluemenauer
	City Council Disbands Independent Fire Companies
	City Council Enacts An Ordinance Establishing A City Fire Department
	Protection No. 2 Petitions City Council To Organize As A Hose Company
1858	Philip Sage Elected Chief Engineer and Adam Jaeger, Jr., Assistant Chief
The City had three Engines, three Hose carts and one Hook and Ladder Truck, manned in all by 255 men. The system in detail is made up as follows:

J. B. Howard, Chief Engineer.

Philip Sage, Assistant Engineer.

WASHINGTON ENGINE CO. No.1. -Wm. Barton, Foreman; A. T. Cook, 1st Assistant; J. Van Alstine, 2nd Assistant, with 75 members, one Hose cart, and 800 feet of leading hose, in good order.

PROTECTION ENGINE CO. No. 2. -H. M. Shaw, Foreman; L.E. Wright, 1st Assistant; J. McDermott, 2nd Assistant, with 76 members, one Hose cart, and 800 feet of leading hose in good order.

MECHANICS ENGINE CO. No. 3. -C. H. Jenish, Foreman; Jno. Appel, 1st Assistant; Heinrich Heeb, 2nd Assistant with 76 members, and one Hose cart, with 800 feet of leading hose in good order.

The Hook and Ladder Truck is in charge of No. 3, with 30 men at present, but will be organized as an Independent Co. in a few weeks. It has four ladders, three hooks, two axes and two crotch poles.

There are sixteen public cisterns, containing each 600 barrels. The number, the Chief Engineer, stated were insufficient for the wants of the city. He hoped that this defect would in some manner be remedied as speedily as possible.

1863	City Council Abolishes The Office Of Chief Engineer Fire Department
1866	Fire Companies Threaten To Abandon Engines In Protest To Low Annual Allotment
	City Council Votes To Abolish The Fire Department
1867	City Council Purchases Silsby Steam Fire Engine—J. K. Graves       
	Hawkeye Hose Company Organized To Run With Steam Engine J. K. Graves
	Philip Sage Appointed Engineer On The J. K. Graves (The First Steam Engineer)
	Philip Sage Becomes The Fire Departments First Full Time Employee
1868	City Council Establishes A “Steam Fire Department” Part Paid & Part On-Call
	Hand Engine Companies Disbanded
	Volunteer Firemen Form A Firemen’s Union To Protect The 3rd and 5th Wards
1869	City Council Purchases Second Silsby Steam Fire Engine—Sol Turck
	City Council Grants Firemen’s Union Request—Gave Them The Hand Engines
1880	Frank Morgan Elected Chief Engineer and Joseph Trieb Assistant Chief Engineer
1883	The Dubuque Fire Department Consisted of The Following:
The following is a list of Officers & Fire Department employees and the amounts due them for services preformed during the month of Dec. 1882
Frank Morgan	Chief Fire Department			25.00
Joseph Trieb	Asst.  Chief Fire Department		20.85
Job Barnes	Engineer Sol Turck Engine Company	66.65
Frank Strinsky	Engineer JK Graves Engine Company	50.00
James Daley	Driver Sol Turck Engine Company		50.00
Jerry Murphy	Driver Sol Turck Hose Company		50.00
Edward Morgan	Driver JK Graves Engine Company		50.00
Joseph Strinsky	Stoker Sol Turck Engine Company		12.50
C. H. McMaster	Stoker JK Graves Engine Company		12.50
The following is a list of Officers & Fire Department employees and the amounts due them for services rendered during the month of April 1883:
Frank Morgan	Chief Fire Department (April 1st to April 9th)		 7.20
John Drehouse	Chief Fire Department (April 10th to April 30th)	17.80
Joseph Trieb	Asst. Chief Fire Department (April 1st to April 9th) 	 8.30
Jerry Sullivan	Asst. Chief Fire Department (April 10th to April 30th)	12.80
Job Barnes	Engineer Sol Turck Engine Company			66.65
Frank Strinsky	Engineer JK Graves Engine Company			50.00
James Daley	Driver Sol Turck Engine Company				50.00
Jerry Murphy	Driver Sol Turck Hose Company				50.00
Edward Morgan	Driver JK Graves Engine Company				50.00
Joseph Strinsky	Stoker Sol Turck Engine Company				12.50
C. H. McMaster	Stoker JK Graves Engine Company				12.50
FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS-The different fire companies of the city elected the
following officers-
	J. J. LINEHAN HOSE COMPANY.  (1881 Silsby Class 1 Engine 800 GPM)
	Foreman-John Essman.
	Assistant Foreman-Steve Schollenberg.
	Treasurer-John Sloan.
	Secretary-Richard T. Hartig.
	Steward-Wm. Howard.
	SOL TURCK HOSE COMPANY. (1868 Silsby Class 1 Engine 800 GPM)
	Foreman-Dan Daly.
	Assistant Foreman-John Cahill.
	Secretary -Treasurer-Wm. Kennedy.
	Steward-J. Connelly [Conley]
	FIFTH WARD HOSE COMPANY. (1867 Silsby Class 2 Engine 700 GPM)
	[J. K.  Graves]
	Foreman-B. Domenig.
	Assistant Foreman-D. Demars.
	HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY. (1874 Babcock Ladder Truck)
	Foreman-Tom Cullen.
	Assistant Foreman-John Flynn.
	Treasurer-Mike Kavanaugh.
	Steward-Tom Rawson.
	City Council Approves Construction of 5th Ward Engine House (18th & Clay Street)

J.K. Graves & Key City Hook & Ladder Stationed In 5th Ward House In December

City Council Re-Organizes The Fire Department-Two Full- Paid Companies

The Men Selected To Fill the Positions Two Full-Paid Companies To Go Into Service January 1, 1884
SOL TURCK ENGINE COMPANY - Foreman-James Daley, Engineer-Job Barnes,
Stoker-John Cahill, Driver Engine-Jerry Murphy, Driver Cart-Andrew
Cullen, Hosemen-John Connelly, Jacob Schoenberger and John Hilson.
Minutemen-Monroe Barnes, Charles Gibson, Samuel Hammer and William Lonergan 

FIFTH WARD ENGINE COMPANY - Foreman-John Essman, Engineer-Frank Strinsky,
Stoker-Michael Eitel, Engine Driver-Ed. Morgan, Hose Cart Driver-John Flynn,
Hosemen-James McLaughlin [McGloughlin], John Pfiffner, John Wiltse  
Minutemen-Joe Sloan, M. Mohr, Henry Dunnellon, Obert Brandt.

HOOK AND LADDER -Driver-William Howard, Tillerman-James Allen
Minutemen-Foreman, Thomas Cullen; Laddermen, Frank Essman, Ira Davis,
William Flynn, Steve Schollenberg.