Telegraph Herald
Wednesday, November 7, 1866


Reports of Officers—Improvements of Streets and Alleys—How to Make Money on Street Contracts—Proposed Reconstruction of the Fire Department—Swine Prohibited from Running at Large—Multitudinous Minor Matters.
Adjourned session, Nov. 6, 1866. Mayor Thompson in the chair.

Present—Aldermen Ryan, Lucas, Bush, Jaeger, King, Mulkern, Lembeck and Cummings.

Minutes of preceding session read and approved.

A lengthy report was submitted from the committee on fire department, explaining the condition in which they, on examination, find the engines, hose, ladders, etc., belonging to the various fire companies of the city; and making various recommendations, the principal of which are, that the Mayor and the committee on the fire department be authorized to purchase one thousand feet of hose, in addition to that at present in use, about one half of which is not in good order; that two new engine houses be built, one in the first district, on 4th street, and one in the second district, on 8th or 9th street, that the ladder department keep their wagon, ladders, hooks, &c., at the Central Engine House, that the minimum number or members in each fire company be fifty instead of forty, as the ordinance now reads; and that the minimum number of members in each hose, hook and ladder company be fixed at twenty instead of twenty-five, as the ordinance now reads, that the foreman of each fire company have authority, in case of fire to command assistance form the inhabitants of the city there present, to assist in the suppression of the fire and the preservation of the property, under penalty of a fine of from $5 to $20; that each fire company receive $200 per annum, instead of $100, as now, that each company shall make a quarterly return, in January, April, July and October, of the names of the officers and members thereof; that $10 be paid to the first company throwing water on the fire, and $5 to the second; and some minor points. The $10 and $5 premium clause aroused active opposition; and the whole report was finally referred to the ordinance committee, in company with the Mayor and City Attorney.

A resolution was passed that the City Marshal be instructed to enforce the ordinance prohibiting hogs from running at large within the city limits—provided a pound can be had.