Yesterday the funeral cortege of the late John Fitzpatrick wound its way to St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock, the mournful toll of the church bell announcing its arrival.
The passionate swell of the great pipe organ music resounded throughout the sacred edifice as all that was mortal of John Fitzpatrick was carried to the chancel rail by comrades who had known and held him in high esteem.
Following the remains came the faithful, loving wife and the little children who young as they are have been destined to drink early of the chalice of suffering and to know the tragedy of death. The church was filled with friends of the deceased who had come to do honor to the heroic man who had sacrificed his life to the cause of duty. the casket was literally covered with cut flowers, great white Easter lilies held their heads in proud reverence, carnations and roses mingled in splendid profusion. Long strands of smilax were twined about the coffin lid as if trying to shield loved ones from the cruel fact that the lid covered for all this life, the form of the beloved dead. As the casket was laid at the rail and the officiating clergyman came forward to bless the remains a great stream of golden glory crept through the stained glass windows of the Catholic edifice and fell in sacred benediction on the flower laden casket.
Rev. John Halpin read a few, short prayers blessing the remains and then in well chosen remarks spoke of the departed dead, taking for his text: "Be you always prepared for you know not the day nor the hour." He said in part: Already the requiem mass has been read for the soul of our beloved and worthy departed friend. The last rites have been performed. Now the duty remains of consoling the faithful wife and the little children whom the tragedy of the past week has rendered fatherless. Father Halpin then spoke of the great consolation of knowing that the deceased man died doing his duty for his fellow men and was as much a hero as the man who laid down his life in the field of battle. The noble manly traits of the dead man were lauded by the speaker who entreated his hearers not to forget in their prayers the brave man who died to serve the public. father Halpin then spoke in high praise of the Dubuque fire department and of their faithful service and concluding entreated them to be always prepared for "You no not the day nor the hour." After the last blessing the casket was borne from the church and the relatives and friends conducted the body to St. Philomena's where it was consigned to mother earth.
The pall bearers at the funeral of John Fitzpatrick were; Dave O'Hearn (Ahern) Frank Kenneally, Wm. Ducey, Dick Hanna, James Keefe and Michael Stapleton.
Gregoire Bros. in charge.
The mayor and city council attended the funeral in a body.