Telegraph Herald
Monday May 12, 1902

FUND NOW $2000


More Than $400.00 Raised Today-People of Dubuque Manifest Generosity

The fund began by the Telegraph-Herald for the benefit of the widows and orphans of Firemen Ganahl, Wise and Fitzpatrick, who lost their lives at the Iowa Iron Works fire Thursday night, now amounts to $2,105.25. Sunday morning the fund amounted to $1,641.25 but the generous people of Dubuque did not stop at that and subscriptions continued to pour in all day today and $464.00 was added to the fund.

In addition to the money raised by the Telegraph-Herald the Firemen's association contributed $100.00 to the general fund. The Globe-Journal's fund, less the $500.00 subscribed to the Telegraph-Herald, amounted to 441.50 yesterday morning and this added to the total subscriptions of the Telegraph-Herald and the contributions of the Firemen's association will swell to $2,646.75. But the fund is not large enough yet. It should be at least $10,000.00. The are ten orphans to be provided for and it will take at least $1,000.00 to rear each one. Therefore let the people of Dubuque outdo themselves in contributing to this worthy cause. Let everyone, young and old, rich and poor, perform a surgical operation on his pocket book and give something, however, small. Every little helps.

The Telegraph-Herald will continue to receive subscriptions, Not only this but it will endeavor to swell the fund. To this end the telephone will be kept busy and persons will be rung up from time to time and asked for their subscriptions. This morning the telephone was kept in constant use and the generosity of the people communicated with was indeed gratifying. Everybody seemed to be prompted with desire to help the wives and little ones who are left alone in the world to buffet its cruel winds.

The subscription movement on foot in the city to render financial assistance to the widows and orphans of the firemen who met their death on last Thursday night has met with strong support by the older members of the city and the younger generation copying the example of their elders have shown a disposition to contribute their mite in recognition of the brave departed citizens.

Here is a splendid chance for the future men and women of the city to make practical the lesson of charity and to deprive themselves if need be in order that they help along a worthy cause. Here is a chance where child may truly become the brother of child in charity and catch a glimpse of the multifarious relationship of love in its more mature phase if the teachers of the city schools should lend a helping hand in the worthy cause and infuse more of the great spirit of charity into the hearts and minds of the pupils in their keeping. This is a chance for the practical application of the true virtue of charity as it should exist among men. No matter how small the amount, everything helps. Let this call from some of the children meet with hearty recognition from all the school children of Dubuque.