Telegraph Herald
Monday May 12, 1902


Death of Comrades Is Mourned by the Fire Department The Resolutions

At a meeting the Dubuque Fire Department held Saturday evening the following resolutions relative to the death of Capt. Frank Ganahl and Lieut. John M. Fitzpatrick were adopted.

Whereas, In the presence of the great calamity which has filled our hearts with sadness over the loss of our brave comrades; therefore be it

Resolved, That, in the death of Capt. Frank Ganahl and Lieut. John M. Fitzpatrick, we have lost two men whose records are unsullied, and who were the personification of honor and exalted manhood, and whose high regard for duty led them on until, like thorough heroes, they died at their post. They were men of modest means and manly in all their dealings with others--men who had everything to live for--loving wives and interesting children--a rosy future with promise. We shall miss them; but not until memory shall fade into darkness which now enshrouds them shall we forget them.

Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved families in this, their hour of great bereavement, and trust that He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb will guide and protect them.

A copy of the resolutions will be sent to the respective families.