Tuesday June 12, 1934

Cat Up Pole is Rescued By Firemen

There being no trees in the immediate vicinity, a cat took to a telephone pole after being chased by a dog Monday afternoon; so kindly neighbors telephoned to fire head­quarters for help after, their efforts to entice the cat to come back to earth had failed. The call came front Fremont avenue and Kelly lane and Truck 2 responded. Firemen scaled the pole and gently, but firmly convinced Tabby that the dog had departed and it was time to go home.

Two other special calls brought out the same company Monday. One came from a lead mine at Dodge and Hill streets, where last Saturday, firemen rescued a miner from the shaft after having been overcome by carbon monoxide gas. This time the firemen assisted in loosening a rope on a windlass. The second call came from West Fourteenth street where a limb on a tree which threatened to fall was removed.

Members of Engine l answered the only legitimate call of the day when they were called to the rear of the Milwaukee shops to extinguish a dump fire.