Telegraph Herald
Monday May 12, 1902



Hundreds Line the Streets While Funeral Cortege Passes-Ceremonies at the Grave

At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon occurred the funerals of Mr. Ganahl and Charles Wise, two of the victims of Thursday night's fire. At the hour named the fire department repaired to the home of Frank Ganahl and preceded the hearse to St. Mary's church. The engines, chemical and ladder were draped in purple and black. On the chemical engine a mammoth bunch of white flowers stood with two American flags at half mast. The funeral procession moved to the above church where Father Weirich performed the last sad rites over the body and spoke words of comfort to the relatives and friends. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the casket was carried from the church and laid in the hearse and the funeral procession headed by the Independent Order of Foresters moved along by the side of the hearse containing the remains of Charles Wise. The Spanish-Americans veterans in the van of the later named cortege bearing an immense American flag at half mast. About the casket the American flag was draped. Slowly side by side the double procession moved toward Eagle Point where the division took place. The body of Mr. Ganahl was borne to the German Catholic cemetery and the mortal remains of Charles Wise were conducted to Linwood Thousands of spectators lined the streets. An immense concourse of people assembled at the cemetery. Rev. Ruston made the last remarks at the grave of the young soldier-fireman. Speaking of his many sterling qualities, his bravery and his heroic death. Then with a last prayer the casket was lowered to its final resting place and mother earth gathered her child again into her keeping. Three salutes were fired over the grave, the last taps, the soldiers good night were sounded and Charles Wise the American volunteer, the heroic fireman was left at rest.

The interment of Mr. Ganahl took place at the German catholic cemetery, Father Weirich performing the ceremonies at the grave. The brief Catholic burial service, a few prayers, a final blessing and the relatives and friends who had known and loved the brave man retired from the graveyard and left him forever in God's keeping. The pall bearers were chosen from (m)any (of) the firemen and Independent Order of Foresters. The firemen were: George Beyer, Frank Kenneally and Thos. Flynn. The Foresters were: Mr. Gieger, Dan Mullen and John Garvey. The honorary pallbearers were: J. H. Whatmore, J. J. McCarthy, T. J. Mulgrew, M. J. Mulgrew, Prof. Jas. E. Welch and John Marcan.

Reinfried had charge of the funeral of Mr. Ganahl.

The pall bearers at the funeral of Charles Wise were: Sam Calvert, John Noonan, John Murphy, Byron Sanborn, Chas. Stewart and Jake Heinz.

Hoar and Murphy were in charge.