A very important feature in municipal government is the means
adopted for securing the protection of property against the ravages of fire.
Dubuque has a very efficient fire department, and while it is rather an
expensive portion of the citys machinery, still, when a large fire
breaks out, and is speedily suppressed without much disaster, we all feel
that rather than do away with the fire department, we would go on short
rations in order to meet its necessary expenses.
Every city takes more or less pride in its fire departmentthat
is in the efficiency and successful work of its members. Dubuque has a
good fire department. A fire has no chance to get any start if it is within
access by the boys who run with the machines.
The paid department is a valuable institution, and until some other means
are provided for furnishing protection from fire, it should be well sustained.
A little less extravagance in street work, and more money expended on
the fire department, would be a sensible move. Fires will break out when
least expected, and the only way to do is to furnish the best possible