If you have information relating to the Dubuque Fire Department and its proud historybe it pictures, artifacts and/or stories--and would like to be a part of this labor of love,
please contact us at dfdhistory@aol.com
And keep watching for more mysteries, photos
and tales of yore! Much, much more to come!
To recieve information regarding the series and its publication
please write:
This Website is not affiliated with the City of Dubuque nor the Dubuque
Fire Department. We do however acknowledge the assistance we have received
from the Dubuque Fire Department and greatly appreciate the access accorded
us to the Fire Department records.
Fire Department Explorer Post #4160
Our mission is to teach young people ages 14-20 about
Fire Fighter's/E.M.T.'s & how they do their job day by day.
Signal 51 Group
Shreveport's Official Fire Buff Web Site